Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Students, Doctors
40 hours
The framework in which Parenting the Parents moves is represented by the first moments of our life: the prenatal life, birth, and breast feeding, up to the end of the first year. This is a critical time featured by the strong interaction between three bio-energetic fields: baby, mother and father. Eva Reich calls these first moments of our life the “sensitive period”.
We mainly use the Eva Reich’s Gentle Bioenergetic theory, which arose inside the Reichian model but is specially geared to prevention and baby body psychotherapy.
We integrated this basic model with other post-Reichian tools such as the Energetic Functionalist Psychotherapy, as we learned it by Francesco Dragotto, the Gentle Bioenergetic Baby Massage learned by Silja Wendelstadt, and Thomas Harms’s Emotional First Aid.
Because we work with human bio-energetic fields, we found strong relations between Reichian orgonomic research and new scientific approaches as quantum physics, neuroscience and Infant Research, of course.
To support the parents during this delicate period we use this integrated approach and we pay special attention to the relationship between the members of the family, notably the relationship with the father, and to the relationship with and between the therapists inside the therapeutic setting.
Next summer you can choose to spend a nice period to learn the Parenting the Parents approach in a warm a comfortable place beside the sea near Rome.
In accordance with our theoretical principle, we like to think that every learning must be based on pleasure, experiential work and theoretical knowledge.
We will spend nine days close to the Roman coast. During these days we will learn more about an innovative approach to help cope with parents’ and babies’ upsets; we will organize archeological tours to Rome and to Anzio and we will stay together beside the sea, swimming and enjoying the Italian sun.
# Improving the our own listening of the body, mind and emotions.
# Acquiring theoretical and practical tools based on the Functional Identity concept to be able to create well-being projects in the individual, the couple, the family and in the society.
# Obtaining theoretical and practical tools to Improve oneself knowledge of the emotions and of the way which you communicate and relate with the other.
# Increasing the ability of finding personal inner resources.
# Developing the confidence in the personal ability for baby care.
• Class lessons with speech, power points, video clips
• Body-psycho experiences
• Personal experiences with oneself and role playing
• Spending nice time together
• Outdoor experiences
• The Reichian roots
• Bioenergetic development of prenatal relationship
• Bioenergetic attachment process
• Instroke and outstroke theory
• Reading the body, emotional, relational and environmental signals
• Working with the Primal Bioenergetic Field
• Using Eva Reich’s Gentle Touch and the Butterfly Baby Massage
Psychologist Psychotherapist
Istituto Reich’ Director
Psychologist Psychotherapist
Prevention Area Responsible
More Information about registration, fee, enrollment, date, etc..., please send your CV
or phone to +39 339 391 0827